Homemade Wild Game Hamburger Helper

You know how some nights you just don’t feel like cooking? Yea, me too. Here are two recipes for those busy week day nights! Two ways to make the same meal. So in case you’re lacking ingredients from one, you’ll probably have them for the other. The both take about 20 minutes total.

Easy Homemade Wild Game Hamburger Helper

1 Lb Ground Wild Game

1 Onion, diced

2 Tablespoons Omnivore’s Spice Mix

1 1/2 Cup Milk

2 Cups Stock, any kind

2 Cups Dry Pasta- elbows, small shells, etc.

6 oz Tomato Paste

8oz Shredded Cheese- I’ve used cheddar, mozzarella, pepper jack, etc.


Start by sauteing your onion in some oil. Once they’re starting to turn translucent add the ground meat and cook till browned. Then add the tomato paste and stir to break it up. Then add the stock, milk, and dried pasta. Bring this to a simmer and cook till the pasta has softened and the liquid has been absorbed. Once the pasta is cooked, remove your pan from the heat and stir in your cheese.

See, super simple!

After seeing that recipe, I’m sure you’re wondering how it could get any easier! Well, here it is!

Even Easier Homemade Wild Game Hamburger Helper

1lb Ground Wild Game

1 Onion, diced

3 Garlic Cloves, sliced

1 teaspoon Italian Seasoning

2 Cups Marinara Sauce

2 Cups Dried Pasta

2 Cups Stock

1 Cup Milk

8 oz Shredded Cheese


Sauté the onion and garlic in some oil. Add the ground meat once your onions start to turn translucent. Cook till the meat browns. Add the Italian seasoning, marinara sauce, stock, milk, and dried pasta. Cook this at a simmer until the pasta is cooked and the liquid is absorbed. Then remove from the heat and stir in the shredded cheese.

See, super super simple!

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