Black Drum Chowder

Black Drum are a saltwater fish similar to their cousin, the redfish. They are a moderately flavored white fish with a nice large flake that’s perfect for chowder. They’re also fun to bowfish for!


Jim Neaves and I bowfishing a couple monster black drum


6 Pieces of Bacon- diced

1 Onion- diced

1 Cup Celery- diced

3 Tablespoons Butter

1/4 Cup All Purpose Flour

2 Quarts of Stock

1 Quart Water

6-8 Sprigs of Thyme

4-6 Medium Red Potatoes- diced

1 Cup Frozen Corn Kernels

2 lbs Black Drum- diced

1 Cup Heavy Cream- warmed

Salt and Pepper to taste

Start by warming a dutch oven or soup pot over medium heat. Add the bacon and cook until the fat starts to render out. Add the onion and celery, cook until they start to soften. Add the butter and stir until melted. If you happen to have very fatty bacon than you won’t need to add all of the butter. Add the flour and stir until the fat is absorbed. Let the flour cook for 3-5 minutes. It’ll start to brown.


Slowly add your stock and water. I used home canned chicken bone broth for this recipe. When you add your stock, add it very slowly. The flour will thicken and get pasty, just keep adding and stirring. You want it to remain smooth throughout the course of adding the stock to prevent lumps. Add the thyme and bring the pot to a boil.

Add the potatoes and cook until they start to soften.

Once the potatoes have started to soften add the fish and corn. Simmer until the fish is cooked through. Warm up the heavy cream and add to the soup. Warming the cream up will prevent it from “breaking” when you add it to the hot soup. Once the cream is added I try not to bring the soup to a heavy boil. This will also help keep the fat and milk solids in the cream from separating and becoming chunky or '“broken”. Season your soup with salt and pepper and enjoy!


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